Digital Campaigns, Training & Consultancy deeply rooted by SEO



3 simple ways to increase traffic to your blog

27 November, 2012

increase your traffic

There are some very simple and effective ways in which you can increase traffic to your blog. Just remembering to take a little extra time when writing or promoting each piece can help boost your traffic.

Guest Blogging

Have you thought about guest blogging for other sites or accepting guest blogs from others that compliment their field? A good way to start out is to follow the hashtags #journorequest, #bizitalk or #blogger on Twitter.

Guest bloggingProviding guest blogs allows small companies or freelance bloggers to promote their services to others or their need for content. Whilst audiences for small business may be small by cross collaborating with others that you will be able to freely promote to their following/likers and readership.

Offering to guest blog is a free and credible way to spread your brand as well as gaining links back to your site. This in turn will drive new direct traffic and help your search rankings. If you do decide to guest blog remember to :

  • Approach sites that you know have a relevant audience – use connections you may already have in the business world.
  • Don’t be alarmed if you get a no response to a guest post request. Keep trying until you find a good compatible match.
  • When pitching your guest post make sure you give enough relevant information over. Why not approach with two blog post titles and a snippet of content to gain interest.
  • When requesting a guest post for your own site it is an idea to set up some guidelines.

MyBlogGuest , ‘Seek or Shout’ or GuestBlogIt are great places to get started. It is a simple why to set yourself up as requiring or offering guest posts whilst also allowing you to search and approach guest bloggers relevant to you and your business. Also try a few local networking events and spread the word that you are considering opening your blog for select content.

I guest blog on many websites, including  Search Engine People based in Toronto, Canada and Northern Lights PR based in Harrogate, Yorkshire, feel free to have a read and pick up some tips on how best to write guest posts. You can also view all the guest posts I have written here.

If you feel this isn’t the way for you/your business then you could try to find local magazine websites that ask for site ambassadors/contributors. A local paper’s website may have a blogging section. Do remember when offering a guest post not to be too salesy, offer a taste of your skills for free. Before providing the guest blog remember to ask for a link to your site or one of your social media platforms. Always offer a guest spot in return when providing a guest piece.

If your following is small encourage your friends and professional connections to read and share guest posts across their social media platforms too. This is great when starting out to gain additional reach.

Social Sharing Communities or Directories

Networking sites aren’t the only way to send and increase traffic to your blog. Directories or other platforms such as Digg, StumbleUpon, Reddit and Pinterest are fantastic to increase your following and page views.

Social media

There are different ways to share content on each of these sites but you will also need to participate as well as add to your accounts. By only leaving your link you won’t be utilising the full benefits of these sites (and could possibly get banned for spamming) but by highlighting links/images you find interesting and inspiring as well as your own will showcase yours and your companies personality.

These directories and communities can also help if you are stuck for inspiration for your own blog. By following others with similar thoughts, business and content you can adapt your content to what is currently relevant in your market. A great way to get over that dreaded writer’s block.

Participate in commenting/engage with communities.

One of the best (but time consuming ways) of increasing traffic to your sites is to spend some time engaging with other people. Rather than just comment on everything (or indeed nothing) maybe you should put together some time to read blogs that you love, that you agree and disagree with.

Keep a list of blogs that you want to visit on a regular basis. See if the title engages you. If others have placed comments below and you can warrant a good comment (one that showcases your ideas/thoughts/service without being overly sales based) make sure you add your website link (this gains a natural link to your website for those that want to see more)

Engaging with communities relevant to you on Facebook/Twitter/pinterest will all create natural links back to you. If you are engaging on Facebook remember to do so as your page. This gives a direct link to you and your services. This should be the same with Twitter/pinterest – make sure you are engaging as a business rather than a personal account. Give credibility by maintaining a good level of interaction against direct promotion. Subtle promotion works well on these sites.

Use Klout to find out whether your engagement vs sales patter is at a good level. The good thing about Klout is it also shows who you are influencing and in which areas. This is also a good indication of where your blog content should be focussed.

These are just a few ways to increase traffic to your blog. Good content and engagement are are key to your success! Look out for my future video blog on increasing blog traffic, make sure you don’t miss it by subscribing to my blog by entering you email address below (or if you are not on my site reading this, visit and sign up at the top right) Looking for a guest writer? Want to Guest post? Comment below!


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