Digital Campaigns, Training & Consultancy deeply rooted by SEO



Spring is almost here – time to get out your digital marketing duster!

10 March, 2017

digital marketing tipsWith the sun shining, the birds beginning to tweet and the days becoming longer, spring is most definitely on its way. March is a great month for change; it marks the beginning of spring, it is the first sign that summer is well on its way and it is the time of year when everyone decides to give their house (and quite often their lives) a spring clean!

Did you know that March is also National Bed Month? A whole month dedicated to ensuring we all get a great night’s sleep by ensuring we have a supportive yet comfortable mattress. Our clients, The Sleep Council, run this annual awareness campaign to highlight how important a bed is in achieving a great night’s sleep.

And this got us thinking. Whilst it is important to spring clean our homes, our mattress and our sleep pattern, should it not also be the time to spring clean our digital marketing strategy? Well, we definitely think so!

But when it comes to reviewing your digital marketing strategy, how is best to do this? What areas should you be focusing on? What do you need to review? Well, do not fear. We have put together the top three areas we think you should be reviewing as part of your digital marketing spring clean:


  1. Reviewing your social media

When it comes to social media it can be difficult to stay ahead of the game, as it is a fast-paced, ever evolving and ever changing being. However, there are many key reasons why it is important to review your social media strategy:

  • Your profile – does your social media profile need an update? Do you have a more suitable profile picture? Should you be amending your profile description? Making these small tweaks and amends to your profile is often a task that is easily overlooked, however, they can make a huge impact to your platforms. So, spend a little time on this and ensure your profiles are polished to perfection!social media
  • Your following – do the accounts that you follow, specifically on Twitter, still feel right for your brand or business? Are there any accounts on your follow list that you maybe need to review? Do all of the accounts that you follow make sense for you to be following them? Now, we are not talking about doing a massive Twitter cull and getting rid of thousands of followers, however, just having a peruse through your Twitter list can often provide an eye-opening experience!
  • Your platforms and how you use them – do the platforms you’re using to reach your target audience still feel right? Are you aware of how to use the latest updates on the platforms? Do you feel you’re utilising all elements of the platforms to their potential? For many of these questions, the answer may be no. And that is fine! With the biggest social media platforms – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat – all rolling out updates on a somewhat daily basis, it can be difficult to stay up to date with them all. But the most crucial thing here is to make sure that you are aware of the latest advances. Armed with this knowledge, you have the power to either challenge your current agency, go and outsource this work or even take it on yourself *insert strong arm emoji here*


  1. Reviewing your content

Content is king. For many of you, this is probably a phrase you have heard time and time again. However, it still holds a lot of truth. Therefore, it is important that your content is something that is reviewed on a regular basis.

  • Website – does your website still reflect your business? How often do you update your website content? Do you still have content displaying old dates or information that is no longer correct? As SearchEngineLand states, ‘Quality is the only sustainable SEO strategy’ and this couldn’t be more accurate, especially with the latest Panda update. Google will show websites that have high quality content, but also content that is useful. Which leads me nicely onto my next topic…
  • …. the onsite blog! Now, as the age old saying goes, quality over quantity is something to keep in mind when refreshing your onsite blog. It is vitally important to ensure that you are regularly updating your website content, and blogs provide an excellent platform for you to be able to do this. But it can be a fine balancing act between updating regularly and only updating it with relevant content. Therefore, take a look through your content calendar for the next couple of months – are your upcoming blogs relevant, useful and do they provide your audience with meaningful insights? (Not sure what a content calendar is then make sure you read this!)


  1. Reviewing your website designwebsite design

The final piece of the puzzle is looking at and reviewing your website design. This is not just about how the website looks and feels, but also about the imagery that you are using to portray your business, the colour schemes you are using and the general feel of the website. Have you had some new images taken recently that still need uploading to the website? Have you slightly changed your colour scheme? Have you maybe even had a logo refresh? All of these things can be easily bypassed during your typical working day/week/month. However, setting yourself half an hour each month to ask yourself these questions can really ensure that your website is still representing your business as best as possible.


So there you have it, our top tips for reviewing your digital marketing activity. Like anything, finding the time to do all of this can be the biggest challenge and stumbling block. That is why we recommend setting yourself each of these tips as a task to look at every month or so, on a rolling basis. Think of it as an on-going piece of activity that eventually just becomes something that you automatically do.

But how can we help? Well, if after reading this you feel that your digital marketing activity is something you need help with, then please feel free to get in touch! We can assist with website design and development, marketing strategy workshops and content creation to ensure that your digital marketing activity stays one step ahead of the game!

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