Jonny Ross: Social Media Speaker Events in Jan & Feb 2014
I hope you’re all doing well with your 2014 new year resolutions!
Here at, our 2014 programme is already well underway. I’m delighted to be speaking at a number of great events across the North, on how to make the most of social media.
Below are details of my January and February dates. If you’re planning to come along to any of these events, do drop me a line on Twitter: @jrconsultancy – hopefully catch up with you soon!

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Leeds Met Futures Fest
Tues 28 January, Rose Bowl, Leeds
From student to salary with social media
Open exclusively to students at Leeds Metropolitan University, Futures Fest is a two-week programme of skills sessions, workshops and presentations from industry professionals, academic experts and employability specialists. I’m going to be talking to the students about how to use social media to seek job opportunities and build relationships with employers online. For a glimpse into the topics we’ll cover, do take a look at the popular ebook From Student to Salary with Social Media by Victoria Tomlinson, CEO of Northern Lights PR, on which this seminar is based.
In such a tough job market, it is especially important for students to know how to show their strengths and present a professional image online. Dodgy, drunk Facebook photos can cost them a job, and (as Paris Brown learned) so can controversial or negative opinions you expressed online years ago. On the other hand, an active Twitter account and blog on which you post links to original and well-researched content you’ve written about your industry area can help you stand out from the crowd and really impress employers.
It’s great that Leeds Met are running a programme like this for students, showing their commitment to student employability and job prospects after graduation.

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Institute of Fundraising (IoF) Yorkshire 2014 Conference
Thurs 13 February, The Royal York Hotel, York
The Strategic Use of Social Media
The seventh annual Institute of Fundraising (IoF) Yorkshire conference will be held on February 13th and 14th at the Royal York Hotel in York. Topics to be covered include: trusts and foundations; corporate fundraising; building an effective case for support and community fundraising.
I’ll be speaking about the strategic use of social media for fundraising and profile-raising. Social media has become an increasingly important tool for charities and fundraisers, with leveraging said to increase your totals by up to 40%. It enables you to reach a huge audience of potential supporters very quickly. But it’s important to remember that social media is primarily “social” and potential supporters will quickly be turned off by spammy sales messages. SM should instead be used to engage and build long term relationships with supporters, by offering them useful, interesting and emotionally engaging content.

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Moda UK
Sun 16 February 2014, National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham
Social Media Masterclass: Blogging your way to the top of Google
Moda is the UK’s largest fashion trade event. Each season, Moda UK (16th – 18th February 2014) brings together business leaders and experts from across the fashion industry to deliver a comprehensive range of seminars. The event covers topics from marketing and social media to techniques for increasing profit margins and controlling stock.
While I may not be well known for my fashionista qualities(!), I am delighted to be speaking to the experts on fashion about how they can use blogging to rank more highly on Google and be seen by more potential new customers and clients.
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Are you going to any of these events? Tweet me at: @jrconsultancy
I am hoping to do some follow up blog posts, so do check back if you’d like to find out more. Alternatively, you can sign up to receive my weekly blog direct to your inbox.
I look forward to seeing some of you at an event soon!