Digital Campaigns, Training & Consultancy deeply rooted by SEO



7 Things Your Business Must Do In 2012

25 February, 2012

things your business must do

The January sales have ended, and the busiest shopping period of the year is now over. As sales levels drop, now is a crucial time for implementing strategies to increase long-term customer engagement and keep in touch with your customers all year round.

Giving customers an opportunity to find out more about your brand, and to interact with you, your products or your service will help you to build a long-term relationship with them.

Regularly sharing useful, interesting and fun ideas and information online will:

  • increase the likelihood of impulse purchases
  • increase the likelihood of return visits leading to customer loyalty
  • increase the amount of positive information people share about you with family and friends
  • turn your website visitors/social media followers into brand advocates
  • and consequently reduce your need to rely on short term price reductions to generate sales and interest

Social media channels allow you to offer this level of interaction on a daily basis, with minimal effort and zero risk to your potential customers. Remember, word of mouth marketing and personal recommendations are the most powerful methods of marketing. And online sharing is the quickest way of doing this.

So why not embrace social media and digital platforms this year and have a go at trying out something new in 2012.

to do list

7 Things Your Business Must Do In 2012

1.Create a Company Video

People rarely have time to read huge amounts of text nowadays. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then video is worth many times that. A well-produced video that summarises your company will retain a visitor’s interest, increase responses rates, and promote sharing. If tagged correctly, videos can also really help your SEO: According to Business Week, videos are 53 times more likely to appear on the first page of search results than text pages.

  • See more about Website/Company Explanantion Video’s below:

Follow this link if you can’t see the video below

2.       Run an Email Marketing Campaign

Email marketing campaigns are one of the quickest, easiest and cheapest ways of generating sales, and they help you stay in regular touch with your existing customers. Linking email marketing campaigns with your CRM system allows you to tailor emails to customers depending on their sales history and buying behaviour. A targeted and well-written email campaign will show your customers and clients that you understand what they want. It also gives you an opportunity to share with them the other products and services you offer that they might not know about.

If the email campaign is also well-timed, pitched correctly, and easy to open and respond to, you are very likely to get a great response rate, and ROI. All this for a minimal cost per contact – perfect!

But beware! Email campaigns that are poorly written and not well timed can have the opposite effect, so have a quick read of the following Email Marketing Tips before you start:

3. Optimise your Website for Mobiles

optimise website for mobile

While your website might look good on a laptop or desktop, it is now increasingly important that your website also works on a mobile. Now is the time to check mobile optimisation for your website. Does your website look good on a phone or tablet? Is it still easy to navigate? Can customers and clients easily fill in forms for online purchases, comments and email sign-ups?

According to MobiThinking, there are now 1.2 billion active mobile-broadband subscriptions worldwide and PayPal expects to see $7 billion in mobile payment volume in 2012. That’s a lot of people accessing the web on their mobile phone, and a lot of mobile phone-generated purchases. Don’t miss out!

Some handy Mobile Website Optimisation Tips:

4.         Start a Blog

seo blog

Writing a regular blog helps you to communicate with clients and show your expertise. It provides regular new content on your website that you can then link to and share through your social media channels. This will, in turn, help with your website SEO.

5.         Set up an editorial Calendar

editorial calendar

An Editorial Calendar is a way of organising and scheduling content for your website or blog. It will help you to plan and coordinate your blog posts through various online media, in order to create regular anticipation in your readers.

This tutorial video from Rod Kirby is a good introduction to Editorial Calendars. It includes step by step instructions on how to set up an Editorial Calendar in Google Calendar, how to generate ideas for blogs using Google Wonder Wheel (this has been replaced by “contextual targeting” just doesn”t look as attractive), and how to use websites like to discover what tags and topics are currently popular.

6.         Run a Social Media Campaign

social network logos

If you’re using your social media channels to their best advantage, you should be sharing useful tips and ideas on a regular basis. But if you have a new product or service to launch, then now is the perfect time to plan a fully integrated social media campaign. If done well, you will greatly expand your prospects list, as well as have access to regularly updated information about the preferences, likes and dislikes, and buying habits of your potential customers – all highly valuable marketing data.

7.         Sign up to Klout


Klout measures the online influence of individuals and brands, in terms of their ability to initiate action. The higher your Klout Score, the more impact your social media activities are having. Comparing Klout scores of other individuals and brands can help you to understand who their key influencers are, so that you can learn from them (and perhaps even engage them in becoming an advocate for your brand).

I’m Jonny Ross from Effective Blogging my Tips from the Merseyside & Lancashire MOB Event

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  • […] 7 Things your business must do in 2012 […]

  • […] at the event and online, that could lead to new business partnerships and new events. Some more social media tips and ideas […]

  • […] outlandish ideas and campaigns; often the most simple changes or ideas can be the most effective. Sending personalised emails with blog posts or articles your customer's may be interested on based on their previous choices is […]

    1. […] 7 Things your business must do in 2012 […]

    2. […] at the event and online, that could lead to new business partnerships and new events. Some more social media tips and ideas […]

    3. […] outlandish ideas and campaigns; often the most simple changes or ideas can be the most effective. Sending personalised emails with blog posts or articles your customer's may be interested on based on their previous choices is […]

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