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Why always Generation Y? Millennials, make way for Generation Z

18 August, 2016

In last week’s blog we looked at millennials, why marketers want to engage them and how to get them. Millennials face a number of stereotypes, from selfish to digitally savvy. These stereotypes paint a picture of someone young, with their smartphone surgically attached to their phone, lazing about their parent’s house.

But the reality is that millennials have grown up, even if the stereotypes haven’t grown along with them. A lot of girl-1283082_960_720millennials are actually now home owners and there are a reported 10.8 million millennial households with children. So who are the next cohort generation that millennials are producing into the world? Introducing Generation Z (Gen z), born between 1995 and 2015. With older “Generation Zers” now growing up and entering the consumer marketplace, it is essential that marketers understand their unique traits, needs and buyer behaviours. After all, these guys aren’t the future generation anymore, they’re the present of digital marketing. So are Generation Z facing the same stereotypes of Generation Y?

  • Generation Z are even lazier than Generation Y

With a huge increase of technology integrated into our everyday life it’s easy to understand how this generation are more likely to socialise with their friends online or inside playing on game consoles, drawn in by augmented reality. Some argue Generation Z are the laziest yet, but actually they’re great multitaskers. They browse their phone online, office-336368_960_720whilst sat using a laptop and watching television. It is important to understand that Gen Z are completely immersed in everything digital, so if you want to reach them, you need to be digitally savvy. Something that might seem obvious, but is often neglected by companies, is making sure your website is fully optimised for mobile. This is how the vast majority of Gen Z will be browsing and making purchases. Mobile optimisation isn’t just about making your site visible on mobile. It’s also about analysing user journeys to maximise mobile usability and optimise mobile conversions.

  • Is Facebook still relevant for marketing?

Research indicates that although every company should include Facebook as an integral part of their campaign, it isn’t the platform reaching young people in the same way previously. Reports from 2014 indicate that Facebook has been embraced by the older generation, with an estimated 56 percent of online adults over 65 revealed as having Facebook, and reports of young people’s engagement on the decrease. If you are interest2016-08-17_1124ed in reaching Generation Z it is important to utilise platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat. You might think these platforms are only for big companies. It is true that there is a lot you can do with both Snapchat and Instagram with a large budget, for example investing in sponsored Snapchat filters for your company. However as a small business there are other ways you can incorporate the platform into your campaign. For example, Channel 4 recently hosted Q&As via their Snapchat of their previous apprenticeships for audiences, which can be seen here promoted on their Twitter. This is a cost effective yet creative way to engage a younger audience.

  • Online reviews are more important than ever

Don’t forget that technology is something Generation Z have always had access to right from their early years. So it comes as no surprise that when a member of Generation Z wants to express either negative or positive feedback regarding a product or service they take to the internet to do so. Not only do the majority of Gen Z use the internet as a tool to express how they feel about a product, they also use peers opinions as a way of researching whether they want to buy something. This is why it is crucial that you stay alert on what people are saying about you online. It is also important that if there are any negative comments not to sweep them under the rug or just delete them. Show the customers you care by responding, finding out more about the issue they have discussed, and offering a solution.

  • Generation Z care about quality

Another reason why Gen Z put a lot of research time in before making a purchase is that this generation has grown up in one of the worst economic climates, meaning they want to make sure they spend their money on the right product. When doing online research of a product or service they are considering investing in, it is important to make resources available about why it should be your product they purchase over another company’s. There is a decrease of Gen Z visiting in store to make purchases, meaning that they are unlikely to come in to contact with staff members who can really sell the product, and therefore online (through social selling and eCommerce) is your main opportunity to do so.

As time goes on, the impact Gen Z will have on the consumer market will grow, and as marketers it will be important to adapt to their consumer habits and needs.

  •      Has your business noticed the rise of Generation Z?
  •      What other creative digital marketing ideas have you been using for your business?
  •      What is your favourite creative strategy you’ve seen a company use?

We’re really interested in your comments and insights on this!  Please share in the comments box below.

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