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Retail: The 3 things missing from your social media campaign

29 July, 2016

The internet has changed every aspect of our lives in one way or another. This includes how we shop, whether you’re purchasing clothes, shoes or homeware, the internet has had a dramatic impact on when and where you shop, especially with the growth of social media. These changes in consumerism have naturally led to a changes in digital marketing in the retail sector. We take a look at three up and coming social media tools available for you to take advantage of.

 1. Villoid                                                                                              tree-200795_960_720

 Villoid is an online fashion community with involvement from style icon Alexa Chung released in 2015. The app has become increasingly popular with over 47,000 followers and featured as Best New App by Apple. Users are able to search different trends and fashion items and share images of their own style and purchases online.

Smartphones have changed the way we shop, with a huge rise in purchases being made from smartphones, Villoid is bridging the online/offline gap for customers. The innovative app allows fashion outlets to promote their products, whilst keeping up to date with what products and trends are sought after in the fashion world. The app is highly interactive for users, allowing them to create a wish list they can share with friends, ideal around Christmas and Birthdays. Users and bloggers also have the opportunity to create their own mood boards, which they can then share with their followers.

The app has so many different dimensions to it, with opportunities for both users and sellers to create engaging content for their community. It is definitely an app which fashion brands should be using.

2. Boomerang

Boomerang was released in October 2015 by Instagram, and provides a unique way to capture everyday moments – it could be described as being a mixture of a GIF and a video. The free Boomerang app is simple to download and use, and allows you to upload to a range of social media platforms straight from your smartphone. The app even allows you to apply filters from the directly to your clip, similar to the filters popular on Instagram. So how can Boomerang help your business broaden its outreach, and win over new customers?

shop-1298480_960_720Businesses can create engaging content for their social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, allowing you to be as creative as you like. One of the first companies reported to use Boomerang on their social media is a clip Timberland created to of their brochure being flicked through, which was uploaded to their Instagram. By creating humorous or relatable Boomerang clips, you are more likely to receive retweets and likes, increasing traffic to your social media pages.

Just like your business can create Boomerang clips, so can your customers. For example, there is opportunity to create Twitter or Facebook competitions. This could include you asking customers to upload Boomerang clips of them using your product with a chosen hashtag and whichever clip receives the most retweets, shares or likes receives a prize. This will encourage customers to ask their friends to like, share or retweet their clip in order to win, not only promoting your product but also increasing your brand reach online.

3. Geotagging

Geotagging is the process of adding geographical information to various media, in particular photographs on a GPS enabled device, such as smartphones and tablets. The photo will usually consist of coordinates, bearings, altitude and place names, allowing people to get a lot of specific information at the location of where the photo was taken in a single glance. This allows location advertising. This is similar to when people are able to check in using their Facebook to different locations. This form of promotion is more applicable to physical shops, rather than online shops.

One example of a company who used Geotagging in an effective way is Starbucks. Customers were able to broadcast the particular Starbucks they were visiting through their Twitter or Facebook. As well as checking in customers could share media, such as photos of their Starbucks food and drink, as well as choosing their location with through the store locator.iphone-410324_960_720

Retailers could encourage in-store Geotagging by customers, offering an incentive to everyone who checks in in-store, such as 10% off their next purchase. This is a unique way of promoting your store and attracting new customers. Alternatively, Geotagging could be encouraged by through Twitter or Facebook competitions asking customers to tweet or share their photos of them using their products from your business in an unusual location. Competitions can be adapted to the time of year: for example over summer there could be an emphasis on tweeting pictures abroad, or at Christmas there could be an emphasis on festive settings, such as Christmas markets etc.

Geotagging is a great way for companies to literally put themselves on the map.

 As mobile internet use increases, it is crucial that businesses keep up with the new apps and social media platforms now available, and how to use them to their full potential to make sure you manage to stand out in the growing number of businesses and products now available.

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    1. […] and consist of a range of stylish flats, meaning you can still look great whilst being comfortable. Retail and Ecommerce campaigns allow you to be really creative, which is why video content is perfect! We created Butterfly Twists a video with a twist; using […]

    2. […] now enjoy features such as the ability to post videos as well as photos. And with the launch of the app Boomerang, they can create GIF like clips to be shared on Instagram […]

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