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FREE digital marketing training for SMEs at Google Digital Garage during Leeds Business Week 2015

19 August, 2015

Google Digital Garage

If you work or trade in Yorkshire, particularly in Leeds, you’ll probably know that Google has set up a temporary base here, down at the riverside of Leeds Dock next to the Royal Armouries. (Google Digital Garage in Birmingham also opened at the end of last month.)

Google Digital Garage has been offering businesses free digital marketing advice and training. But they are also hosting regular free digital marketing events, including the WordPress Leeds / Northern Bloggers group recent event on User Experience and Email Marketing and the upcoming Leeds Business Week 2015.

Leeds Business Week 2015 events at Google Digital Garage

Leeds Business Week logo

Leeds Business Week is back for the third year running. It is now the biggest business week in the UK, attracting over 3000 contributors and delegates.

From the 12th – 16th October 2015 the city of Leeds will host over 100 business-focused events, many of which are free.

Businesses can benefit from the following Leeds Business Week 2015 FREE digital marketing training events:

Jonny Ross at Leeds Business Week 2015

jonny-400x600 will be hosting two sessions on social media and digital marketing for SMEs. Attending both will obviously give you double the amount of tips and tricks however if you are unable to don’t worry as each session will be independent of each other.

Social media is an important marketing channel for small and medium-sized organisations. In addition to enabling you to quickly and easily reach and engage large numbers of clients, hyper-local targeting opportunities on platforms like Facebook mean you can build active communities locally and regionally. An active social media presence will also do wonders for your website’s SEO. With a solid social media strategy, you can showcase your expertise, highlight your USPs, position your company in a crowded marketplace, and develop trust with potential customers and clients.

The course, led by social media expert Jonny Ross, will include advice on utilising all the major social media platforms, including Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. It will also focus on the importance of blogging, how it is core to any good digital strategy, and how it links in with an organisation’s wider PR, communications and SEO strategy.

(1) Twitter, Email Campaigns and Facebook

Wednesday 14th 2-3pm (limited availability due to a smaller room!)

Book here:

(2) SEO, LinkedIn and Blogging

Thursday 15th 9.30am – 10.30am

Book here:

You may also be interested in these other sessions on digital marketing:

  • Tell Your Story Online: 11-12pm

The first step towards making the most of the internet is to show off the best of your business online. Make your website shine, on computers and mobile devices, develop rich content, and learn about the importance of measuring success with analytics.

  • Reach New Customers Online – 12pm – 1pm

Take the next step and make your business more visible online so that new customers can find you. Understand the cornerstones of digital marketing, and learn how to use online marketing tools to reach prospective customers.

As well as, some of the other organisations getting involved in Leeds Business Week 2015 include aql, Leeds Beckett University, Google, Vodafone, BJSS, Blacks Solicitors LLP, Vistage and We Are Boutique. Leeds Business Week is delivered by The Yorkshire Mafia.

Join the conversation online: #LeedsBizWeek

Find out more about Google Digital Garage:

Google Digital Garage address in Leeds:

The Digital Garage from Google, Unit 10, Leeds Dock (formerly Clarence Dock), Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS10 1LR. Location: (Opened on March 30th, due to close at end of October 2015.)

Google Digital Garage address in Birmingham:

The Library of Birmingham – First floor, Centenary Square, Birmingham, B1 2ND. Location: (Opened on July 27th, due to close by Christmas 2015.)

Follow @GoogleUKBiz and join the conversation online using the hashtag #DigitalGarage

Let me know what else you’re looking forward to at #LeedsBizWeek by tweeting me at: @jrconsultancy




  • […] I will also be giving free digital marketing advice at Leeds Business Week. Find out more about my #LeedsBizWeek talk here. […]

    1. […] I will also be giving free digital marketing advice at Leeds Business Week. Find out more about my #LeedsBizWeek talk here. […]

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