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7 essential Twitter Lists for marketers

27 July, 2017

Twitter listsFor a lot of marketers, Twitter has long been an essential part of their marketing strategy. With over 300 million active monthly users, it comes in as the ninth largest social media platform. Saying that, in recent years Twitter has seen a halt in its growth, resulting in several industry experts questioning its future.

But regardless of whether Twitter returns to the super platform that it once was or joins the likes of Vine & Myspace in the social media graveyard, marketers should certainly be utilising Twitter Lists.

For those of you who are new to Twitter Lists, they are curated groups of Twitter accounts which come together in a ‘list’, and they’re fairly straightforward to set up. You can view the list in the form of a standard Twitter timeline, a view of the list members or a view of the list subscribers.

They can be set to ‘public’ or ‘private’ lists, which can each be useful for different reasons. Public Twitter Lists are good for promoting any accounts of interest, providing a useful signposting service for your Twitter followers, and positioning yourself as an industry thought leader. Whereas Private Twitter Lists can be good for more confidential information, such as keeping an eye on competitors and target clients.

With this in mind, we’ve put together 7 must-have Twitter Lists for marketers, which are sure to come in handy even if you don’t use Twitter!

1. Team

Having a list with all of your team Twitter accounts can be very helpful. For one, the list can say a lot about your employees and their interests – some which you may not have previously known! This can then be used to help shape your company culture around your staff, give them appropriate rewards, improve employee engagement and so on.

Creating a team Twitter List can also make it easy if you want to share any staff news. You can use the list timeline to scroll through all your staff tweets and then simply retweet any that are relevant.

2. Clients

For B2B companies, a client Twitter List can be really useful for keeping track of what’s going on with your clients, and sharing any relevant posts. Of course, it’s important to keep this as a private list to avoid any competitors snatching your clients!

3. Content resourcesTwitter lists

Create a list – or it may even help to have several lists with different topics – with a collection of accounts that post about topics-of-interest of your followers. You can then use the Google Chrome Buffer extension to ‘Buffer Retweet’ any of the posts – this means you can immediately retweet and quote tweet posts, or even schedule them for some time in the future. You could even click through to the article in the post and use the Chrome Buffer extension to post the article as your own original tweet.

The great thing about Buffer is that it allows you to share to your other social media platforms too, meaning you can use your Twitter Lists to source all of your social media content if need be. You can then do this on a weekly basis to schedule content throughout the next week. If you don’t have much time to regularly post social media updates, this kind of Twitter List can be a lifesaver.

4. Prospects

Have you highlighted any target clients? Why not add them to your Prospects Twitter List to help warm up the lead? You can use the list timeline to search for relevant tweets from your prospects’ Twitter accounts that you can then engage with.

Depending on the industries of your prospects, a lot of the tweets may not be relevant to your target followers. Don’t worry if this is the case, as this list still has another use – you can use it to keep track of anything that could help your sales team. For example, if we noticed that one of our prospects had recently posted about looking to revamp their website, we would then know to get in touch with them to offer our services.

5. Competitors

This list can be useful for several reasons. Firstly, it can help you keep track of how your competitors are performing, and can also help influence your own social media content.

Another use of a competitors Twitter List is to essentially steal your competitors’ followers. You can go through the followers of each of your competitors and follow any relevant accounts in the hope that they’ll follow you back. From here, you can engage with them over time or you can even add them to your prospects Twitter List. Just to note, don’t go overboard with your follows otherwise Twitter could suspend your account – if you’re following less than 100 accounts per day you should be fine though.

6. Useful resources

Creating public Twitter Lists around your followers’ interests can be particularly effective, and they could potentially become a go-to resource. For example, at we have a ‘Digital Marketing’ Twitter List, which includes our top Digital Marketing Twitter accounts, including the likes of Andrew and Pete, Amy Schmittauer and Mark Traphagen. As a digital marketing agency, this can have real value to our followers.Twitter lists

7. Industry leaders

Have you considered creating a Twitter List with a collection of industry leaders? It can be very useful for keeping you up-to-date with the latest industry trends. This list can then be used to create and manage a relationship with these leaders by sharing and engaging with their content. Further down the line, once you’ve established a relationship with some of these leaders, you can begin to send your content to them in the hope that they will share it in return.


As you can see, Twitter Lists can have a variety of different uses from helping source your social media content to streamlining your sales process. If you’d like an award-winning digital marketing agency to help with your social media management, then why not get in touch with us at

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