Digital Campaigns, Training & Consultancy deeply rooted by SEO



Rocking your LinkedIn content and getting to grips with groups

18 February, 2019

Part 4 of my LinkedIn Series. So, you’ve drafted your LinkedIn content strategy, compiled your keyword list, pimped up your profile and connected with loads of great people.

You now need to work out how you’re going to engage with your connections, be relevant, and ensure you’re right there when they are looking for your products or services. Here’s how.

Rocking your LinkedIn content

There’s lots of different ways you can use LinkedIn for content. Here are just some of them:

LinkedIn profile

You have your own page (and can set up both individual and business pages) where you can add a picture and craft your profile content to position you and your company. Read Pimping your LinkedIn profile for details on how to do this.

LinkedIn status

Just like your Facebook status, you can use your LinkedIn status bar to share thoughts, comment on news, link to articles you’ve seen across the web or LinkedIn and link to blogs etc. Updating your status regularly will mean your frequently appear in your contacts’ newsfeeds. Asking questions will encourage engagement too.

Other people’s statuses

You can also comment, debate, share, like, talk and generally engage with people on their statuses. This shows you’re listening and happy to help.

LinkedIn articles

You can post your own articles, including backlinks to your own website and blog. LinkedIn allows you to use bullet points, videos, images and bold text to create eye-catching and engaging content. So it’s a brilliant content sharing platform.

Writing a LinkedIn article is really powerful. When you publish, it is shared throughout your network. But I would also suggest you share it again on one of your LinkedIn statuses a few hours or a day or two later, and then re-share a couple more times, for maximum exposure.

People often write a blog post on their website then copy and paste it onto their LinkedIn. This is absolutely fine from an SEO (search engine optimisation) point of view, as long as you make it clear where the original article is from.

Just make sure you have a line of text or a link at the bottom pointing to the original article. This shows LinkedIn and Google where the original content sits and ensures they don’t think it’s spammy duplicate content.

Getting to grips with groups

LinkedIn groups

I use LinkedIn groups a lot. These are groups of people with common interests where you can talk, ask questions, share your blogs, find content, learn and engage with like-minded people.

General groups etiquette includes avoiding being spammy or salesy. You wouldn’t run into a room full of people shouting, “Hi, I’m Jonny Ross!” It’s about going in and starting conversations, joining conversations and – when the opportunity arises – sharing content. For example when someone asks, “does anyone know about X?” you can say “yes, I wrote about X a few months ago – here’s the link.” More LinkedIn groups etiquette advice here.

Content strategy for groups

Plan your content strategy for groups and think about your target audience. Which groups will they be in? What conversations will they be interested in having? This is an opportunity for you to use LinkedIn to network and become known in your chosen groups. So consider what you’re going to post and how often you’re going to post. I also set up my notifications from LinkedIn groups to let me know when a new topic is posted – so if it’s relevant to me I can be one of the first to answer.

Weekly debates

I’d suggest having weekly debates on topics of interest – not about your products and services (too salesy), but about meaningful, authentic topics you’re passionate about and interested in. If you start the conversation, then every time someone talks about your debate, chats and gets involved, they’re seeing your name and your face at the top of the post. This begins to form an association between you and your chosen topics, which shows your personality and builds likeability, promotes engagement and develops trust.

Good sources for content and ideas include:

  • Industry bodies
  • Industry news websites
  • General media news stories
  • Industry events
  • Clients
  • Competitors (There’s nothing wrong with sharing competitor content by the way – it shows confidence.)

So rocking your content and using groups is about utilising all the different areas of LinkedIn. Look for opportunities to create and curate content that makes you stand out.

Previous articles in the series:

Does your team want to learn more about using LinkedIn for business development? Find out more about my tailored LinkedIn training.

I also speak regularly at events so if you are looking for an experienced LinkedIn speaker or digital marketing panellist, then give me a call on 0113 493 1819 or contact me online and we can discuss your requirements.

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